Middle East

Barber’s Strong Democracy – Egyptian Case Study

I’ve just published a journal article: “BARBER’S STRONG DEMOCRACY – EGYPTIAN CASE STUDY” in Studia Bliskowschodnie (Near-Eastern Studies) circulated by Near- and Far-Eastern Studies Dept of Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Here’s a LINKto a copy of it. To access the article, click on the picture here.
The rapid and unexpected outburst of popular empowerment and democratic impulse that led to the 2011 Arab Spring constitutes the best epitomisation of mass political participation in the Middle East yet. Although popular participation is truly the cornerstone of modern democratic governance, the extent of popular involvement in the process of governance that is necessary for a genuine and efficient execution of democracy remains highly contentious. A detailed analysis of Barber’s model of participatory democracy, and its implementation in Egyptian politics demonstrates not only its opaqueness and self-contradictory character, but also indicates the absence of a convincing argument for a necessary substitution of liberal representative model of democracy.